Monday, May 5, 2008

So this is how they're made ...

Here's a special treat for a Monday. Amazing sped-up, time-lapse footage on YouTube showing a Boeing 777 aircraft being assembled and then painted in Delta colors before flying off into the wild blue yonder. Delta Airlines, located in Terminal 2 West, is one of our major partners at San Diego International Airport. It really makes you think about what goes into the construction of such a complex machine. Oh, and the video has some cool music to boot. Thanks to aviation blog Aircrew Buzz for bringing this to our attention.

Home Treat Alert! The multimedia feature below may not be accessible at work. But you can log on at home and check it out there!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

2 things: 1. If anyone has the opportunity to visit Boeing's new museum at Paine Field in Everett, Washington- you should. It is awesome. 2. Just as a note- while British Airways used a 777 for a while on their London service, SDIA currently doesn't have any scheduled 777's operations.


Photographs of life around Lindbergh Field

Mural of the airport's namesake, Charles Lindbergh, by John Jay Whalen on the east side of the Commuter Terminal

Guillermo sculpture at Terminal 1 East

Moonrise over Lindbergh Field, by Joan Van Tassel
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