Monday, June 16, 2008

661 acres

Many Airport Authority employees can tell you that San Diego International Airport is just 661 acres in size. From various vantage points, you can see almost all of our airport. Through the Destination Lindbergh project, the Airport Authority has teamed up with the City of San Diego, the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) and other partner agencies to explore the long-term build out of the airport. They are asking the question: How can we optimize what we have?

What is difficult for me to understand is what 661 acres actually means. So I embarked on a mission ... 661 acres =

If you see me out in front of the Commuter Terminal with a tape measure, you can be sure that I am just double-checking my measurements!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for putting the acreage into perspective, Ryan! It's very interesting to see how it compares.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for explaining the acreage, Ryan. Very interesting comparisons; it really makes you think!


Photographs of life around Lindbergh Field

Mural of the airport's namesake, Charles Lindbergh, by John Jay Whalen on the east side of the Commuter Terminal

Guillermo sculpture at Terminal 1 East

Moonrise over Lindbergh Field, by Joan Van Tassel
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