Monday, January 7, 2008

Mission Impossible

Hmmm...I get this e-mail and it goes something like this (imagine the sound track from Mission Impossible playing in the background): "My mission, if I should choose to accept it, is to join a team of other Goodwill Ambassadors to participate in a first-ever blog for the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority." I think to myself…"I’m a girl who likes to live life on the edge"…Not really, but it sounds exciting anyway!!!

So, what is it that I can contribute to this endeavor? Well, I'm hoping to be able to bring educational, interesting and mostly fun stuff to my part of this Goodwill Ambassablog! I get out and about in the terminals and also have the opportunity to work on some really fun teams here at the Airport Authority. So stay tuned for my unique views (and sense of humor), while hopefully learning some really cool stuff that goes on in and around the San Diego International Airport!

I was also part of the Speaker’s Bureau during the Airport Site Selection period -- by the way, that was a very educational experience for me. But even if we didn’t get a new location to add to or replace Lindbergh Field, as a Goodwill Ambassador I've had the chance to learn about how the Airport Authority is still working hard to address the San Diego region's air transportation needs. Heck, we are just beginning! You can see see for yourself by going to the Authority Web site at

By the way, if you have a question or comment for me, or a question about the airport that you just haven’t been able to get an answer to, feel free to ask it below by clicking on 'comments.' If I don’t have the answer, I surely can find someone here that should be able to help me give you an answer! So, until later...

Home Treat Alert! The multimedia feature below may not be accessible at work. But you can log on at home and check it out there!


Anonymous said...

Wow great post on the Airport! I look forward to this blog.

Ingo Richter said...

Where blue skies keep watch on 70 miles of beaches and a gentle Mediterranean climate begs for a day of everything and nothing. (courtesy of Zoom Airlines)

... and now this blog, great job!

Anonymous said...

Why do they make all of you blog from Steve's computer? ;)

Great job to all! :)

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe the money that the Airport is wasting. Does this have any relevance to the community?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your comment. The Goodwill Ambassablog is hosted by Blogger, a completely free blog hosting service. That makes the Goodwill Ambassablog one of the cheapest and most cost effective communications tools. This blog gives the Airport Authority’s Goodwill Ambassadors a tool to share information about the history and role of San Diego International Airport with their friends, family members and community contacts. San Diego International Airport generates more than $9 billion in economic activity for the San Diego region each year. The Goodwill Ambassablog’s relevancy is borne out by communicating interesting and important information about this tremendous regional asset to the community.


Photographs of life around Lindbergh Field

Mural of the airport's namesake, Charles Lindbergh, by John Jay Whalen on the east side of the Commuter Terminal

Guillermo sculpture at Terminal 1 East

Moonrise over Lindbergh Field, by Joan Van Tassel
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